TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Allison Swisher, Director of Public Utilities
Award of Professional Services Agreement for Pre-Treatment Program Assistance to Baxter & Woodman Inc. in the Amount of $120,000.00
The City’s NPDES (discharge) permits for the Westside, Eastside, and Aux Sable Wastewater Plants include special conditions that require the City of Joliet to comply with USEPA Pre-treatment Standards.
Since the inception of the program, the City has relied on consultants to assist Plant Operations staff with various tasks best suited for a specialized engineer. The day-to-day management of the program is handled by City staff. For the last eleven (11) years the City has contracted with Baxter & Woodman Inc. to help with these tasks. Baxter & Woodman Inc. has an entire department dedicated to wastewater pretreatment allowing them to be on the forefront of regulations. In the Fall of 2023, the City advertised a Municipal Services RFQ to solicit qualifications from engineers for consideration by the City to be short listed for various types of professional services. Baxter & Woodman Inc. was short listed as a selected engineer to assist the City with wastewater pretreatment.
The Public Service Committee will review this matter.
Baxter & Woodman Inc. has submitted a proposal to complete the following tasks on an hourly basis at the not to exceed amount of $120,000.00: USEPA audit preparation and attendance, facility inspections, compliance assistance, permit renewal, and general assistance tasks.
Section 2-438 of the City of Joliet Code of Ordinances states that purchases whose estimated cost is in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be awarded without written specifications or bidding under certain circumstances. Two (2) of these circumstances apply:
(f) Purchases when authorized by a concurring vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Mayor and City Council;
(g) Purchases of professional services.
Funds will be charged to the 2025 Water & Sewer Operating Fund / Plant Ops Administration / Professional Services (Org 50080310, Object 523300, $120,000.00).
Based on the above, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Council approve the Professional Services Agreement for Pre-treatment program assistance, in an amount not to exceed $120,000.00, on behalf of Baxter & Woodman Inc.