TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Dustin Anderson, Director of Community Development
Ordinances Associated with the Preliminary Planned Unit Development of Vista Ridge Subdivision.
An Ordinance Approving a Preliminary Planned Unit Development of Vista Ridge Subdivision.
An Ordinance Approving Zoning Reclassification of Part of 8301 Caton Farm Road from an R-1B (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District and an R-4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zoning District to an R-2 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District and from an R-1B (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District to an R-4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zoning District.
The petitioner, Vista Ridge Development LLC, is requesting approval of a Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Vista Ridge Subdivision, located at 8301 Caton Farm Road. The site is 120 acres and would contain 397 dwelling units at full buildout. The subject property was annexed into the City and zoned to its current zoning designations of R-1B (Single-Family Residential) and R-4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) zoning in 2004. A Final Plat to approve the construction of 257 single-family residential homes and 72 townhouse dwelling units was approved in 2006; however, a recording plat for the subdivision was never recorded.
Due to unfavorable market conditions the subject property consisting of 120 acres has remained undeveloped farmland since the original entitlements were sought nearly 20 years ago. Currently, the petitioner wishes to develop 321 single-family residences and 76 townhouse dwelling units on the 120-acre property. At this time, the petitioner is only pursuing a Preliminary Planned Unit Development and zoning reclassifications to allow the proposed total buildout. Future petitions for Final Platting of the subject property will be required before the subdivision can be recorded and ready for construction.
The petitioner is also requesting a zoning reclassification for much of the site from R-1B (Single-Family Residential) zoning to R-2 (Single-Family Residential) zoning to allow for smaller lot sizes than what was originally proposed in 2006. The requested area containing R-4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) zoning is also being altered to accommodate the proposed layout of townhomes. The developer is requesting approval of four additional townhome units with the current PUD. The attached Plat of Zoning shows which areas would contain R-2 and R-4 zoning. Draft elevations and floor plans of the proposed models have been included in the Council Memo packet. Homes would range between 1,400 and 2,571 square feet in size and feature 2-3 bathrooms and 3-5 bedrooms per unit. Lots within the R-2 zoned area would be a minimum of 7,500 square feet in size, with an average lot size of 8,713 square feet.
Per Section 47-15A.1 of the City’s Zoning Ordinance, the legislative intent to allow Planned Unit Developments in the City of Joliet is to provide for certain exceptions to the use and bulk regulations of the Zoning Ordinance where such exceptions will be utilized to provide greater flexibility and originality in the design of large-scale projects and to promote good site planning, better design, provisions for open spaces and high standards of light and air. The petitioner is requesting the following exceptions with the proposed Preliminary PUD, which would be carried over to future Final PUD petitions:
1. Exception to reduce the required right-of-way from 66 ft. to 60 ft.
2. Exception to allow 4.45 dwelling units per acre in the proposed R-2 zoning area instead of 2.5 dwelling units per acre, as prescribed in the City’s Kendall County Sub Area Comprehensive Plan.
3. Exception to allow 9.42 dwelling units per acre in the proposed R-4 zoning area instead of the maximum allowable density of 6 dwelling units per acre, per the regulations of the R-4 zoning district.
4. Exception to allow roundabout and eyebrow radii to be reduced from 75 ft. to 60 ft.
5. Exception to reduce the Greywall Boulevard right-of-way to 70 ft.
6. Exception to the use of brick or stone in exterior elevations, per Section 47-17.30(E) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance, to allow building exteriors to match the attached elevations.
The site will be subject to school site and school facilities fees, Joliet water and sewer connection fees, and the economic development impact fee. All new homes will be required to meet the Anti-Monotony standards. The petitioner presented the subdivision proposal to the City’s Land Use and Economic Development Committee on July 24, 2024. The Committee gave a favorable recommendation to the developer to proceed with applying for the subject petitions.
Approval of the requested petitions would allow the developer to proceed with preparing Final PUD Plats for the subject property, which would ultimately allow construction of 321 single-family dwelling units and 76 townhouse units in the Vista Ridge Subdivision. Staff recognizes the proposed density of the subdivision is greater than the original proposal from 2006 and is a minor deviation from the prescribed lot size and density that is called for with the Kendall County Sub Area Comprehensive Plan. However, per the direction of the Plan, the development will still be largely single-family residential in nature, with approximately 81% of all units being single-family residential. The Plan also emphasizes having a mix of townhomes with single-family residential development, which the petitioner is proposing. Staff believes the proposed PUD does a satisfactory job of integrating low-density multiple family residential development into the Plan Area and subject property, while maintaining a primarily single-family character. The subdivision as proposed would also add 8 acres of park and green space, with three separate park areas located throughout the development. The developer is currently finalizing arrangements with the Plainfield Park District to accept ownership and maintenance of these parks.
The proposed lot sizes within the R-2 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district are a single step above the lot sizes that are permitted within the R-1B zoning district. The proposed single-family density of 4.45 dwelling units per acre, while above what is prescribed in the Kendall County Sub Area Comprehensive Plan, is still within the gross density that is allowed within the R-2 zoning district, with a cap of 5.8 dwelling units per acre, and aligns closely with the top end gross density that is allowed in the R-1B zoning district at 4.7 dwelling units per acre. Similarly, the proposed townhome density within the R-4 zone, while surpassing the maximum net density of 6 dwelling units per acre within the R-4 section of the Zoning Ordinance at 9.42 dwelling units per acre, still aligns with the allowable density based off minimum lot area per unit of 2,500 square feet per dwelling unit. Extrapolated on a per acre basis, this would allow for a net density of approximately 12 dwelling units per acre, when assuming 30% of gross land consumption would be attributed to unusable space such as right-of-way and stormwater detention areas.
The PUD as proposed meets the intent of several objectives from the Kendall County Sub Area Comprehensive Plan and matches the general character of newer residential subdivisions in the surrounding area.
The Plan Commission originally held a public hearing on the subject petitions at its November 21, 2024, meeting. The proposal had included petitions for Final PUD Plat approvals for Phases 1 and 2 of the PUD. The petitioner has since withdrawn its request for approval of the Final PUD petitions. At the November 21, 2024, meeting, the Plan Commission voted 9-0 to table its consideration of all petitions to a special meeting on December 12, 2024. This meeting was originally scheduled at the request of the petitioner to help meet its expedited time frame. Minutes for both the November 21, 2024, and December 12, 2024 Plan Commission meetings are attached hereto.
At the December 12, 2024, Plan Commission meeting, Commissioner Cox motioned, and Commissioner Crompton seconded, that the Commission approve the Preliminary Planned Unit Development for Vista Ridge Subdivision, in addition to the Zoning Reclassification of Part of 8301 Caton Farm Road from an R-1B (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District and an R-4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zoning District to an R-2 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District and from an R-1B (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District to an R-4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zoning District. The motion carried by a vote of 5-2. Voting aye were Commissioners Kella, Cox, Crompton, Radakovich, and Martin. Voting nay were Commissioners Orlando and Turk. Commissioners Perez and Roehr were absent.
The Administration concurs with the Plan Commission and recommends the Mayor and City Council approves the following:
1. An Ordinance Approving a Preliminary Planned Unit Development of Vista Ridge Subdivision.
2. An Ordinance Approving Zoning Reclassification of Part of 8301 Caton Farm Road from an R-1B (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District and an R-4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zoning District to an R-2 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District and from an R-1B (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District to an R-4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zoning District.