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File #: 173-25   
Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/19/2025 In control: City Council Meeting
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow a Staffing Agency, Located at 1504 Essington Road, Unit 3 (ZBA 2024-37)
Attachments: 1. Ordinance - Special Use Permit ZBA 2024-37, 2. ZBA Staff Report Packet 2024-37, 3. Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 08-15-24, 4. Approver Report

TO:                                           Mayor and City Council


FROM:                      Dustin Anderson, Director of Community Development




Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow a Staffing Agency, Located at 1504 Essington Road, Unit 3 (ZBA 2024-37)




The petitioner, Michael Savarese with Full Steam Staffing, is requesting a special use permit to allow a staffing agency (Joliet Staffing) to locate in a tenant space within the existing commercial building at 1504 Essington Road. Joliet Staffing is a full-service staffing agency that offers full-time temporary and direct-hire positions for their applicants. They specialize in clerical and skilled light industrial positions for manufacturers, distribution centers, and other organizations. Some of their clients include Ryder Logistics, APL Logistics, and RJW Transport. Joliet Staffing has an existing location in Minooka, Illinois.


The proposed use functions as a professional office that would be used for meeting and interviewing applicants and holding orientations and training sessions. The petitioner expects this location to see around 25 to 30 applicants per week. Applicants are seen by appointment only. Once applicants have completed the onboarding and screening process and have been selected for employment, they are typically matched to jobs within 24 to 48 hours. This location would have two to four employees. The proposed hours of operation are 8 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday.


This request was reviewed by Joliet Economic Development staff and there are no objections to this request - especially since this building has several current tenant vacancies.


The subject site is approximately 1.1 acres and contains a five-tenant commercial building and accessory parking lot with 63 spaces. The proposed business would occupy Unit 3, which is approximately 1500 square feet. Existing tenants include a food and gift store, a printing company, and a physical therapy clinic. Surrounding land uses include various retail, service, and office uses.


There is no current moratorium imposed on employment agencies. In April 2001, prior to the Zoning Ordinance amendment that required a special use permit for temporary employment agencies, City Council passed a resolution (No. 4940) imposing a moratorium on the opening or expansion of temporary employment agencies and on the issuance of any building permits related to these offices or agencies. That moratorium was effective from April 4, 2001 to August 2, 2001 (120 days). In October 2001, City Council passed Ordinance No. 13338 which amended the Zoning Ordinance to require a special use permit for temporary employment agencies, defined as entities engaged in “the business of securing or attempting to secure employment of a temporary or finite duration for persons seeking employment.” The purpose of the special use permit was to ensure that the use would be compatible with neighboring land uses with regard to concerns about loitering, sufficient parking, and adequate office space to accommodate the number of persons seeking employment.



The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this matter on August 15, 2024. Michael Savarese, petitioner with Full Steam Staffing, represented the petition. No one appeared or submitted comments in opposition to the petition. Meeting minutes are attached.



Jim Riggs moved that the Zoning Board of Appeals recommend denial of the Special Use Permit request to allow a staffing agency at 1504 Essington Road Unit 3. Debbie Radakovich seconded the motion, which passed with four (4) aye votes and (2) two nay votes. Voting aye were: Hennessy, Bias, Riggs, and Radakovich. Voting nay were: Nachtrieb and Roehr.




Staff does not concur with the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and recommends that the Mayor and City Council adopt an Ordinance approving the Special Use Permit to allow a staffing agency at 1504 Essington Road Unit 3, subject to the following conditions:


1.                     That the interviewing, hiring, and congregation of temporary day labor employees shall be prohibited within the facility and on the site;


2.                     That the Special Use granted shall herein terminate and lapse unless a building permit or certificate of occupancy is obtained not later than 180 days of the effective date of this ordinance and the erection or alteration of a building is started or the use is commenced within such period.  The Board may grant an extension of this period, valid for no more than one hundred and eighty (180) additional days, upon written application and good cause shown without notice or hearing. Whether or not there is an intention to abandon the Special Use, if any special use is discontinued for a continuous period of one year, or if an intent to abandon the Special Use is evident in a shorter period of time, the Special Use for such use shall become void, and such use shall not thereafter be reestablished unless a new Special Use Permit is obtained;


3.                     Should the property be declared a public nuisance, it shall be subject to a rehearing and a possible revocation of the Special Use Permit; and


4.                     That the business shall be registered with the City Clerk’s Office.
