TO: Public Safety Committee
FROM: Jeff Price, Fleet Services Director
Purchase of 2 Trailers for Haz-Mat use for the Joliet Fire Department from Morris Trailer for $64,904.00
On November 21, 2023, the 2024 City Budget was approved by City Council. 2 Van and Trailer combinations were funded in the budget for Haz-Mat deployment during emergency situations. JFD and Fleet Services considered several options and settled on an insulated trailer option that would be self-contained for several days. After a review of the City funds, it was determined that sufficient funds were available to commit to the two partially up-fitted trailers.
The City of Joliet Fire Department is looking to standardize their emergency response units, and these trailers will be part of the first 2 combinations. Several styles and manufacturers were considered, with a custom enclosed unit selected. Numerous suppliers were contacted, with most declining the specification or not an authorized supplier. Three quotes were submitted and provided below:
* $64,904.00 - Haul About (32,452.00 X 2)
* $67,904.00 - US Cargo ($33,952.00 X 2)
* $79,713.50 - SLE Enclosed Trailers (39,713.75 X 2 + delivery)
Morris Trailer is the local authorized supplier for Haul About Trailers and has a long-standing relationship with the City of Joliet. Sufficient funding exists in the Capital Improvements / Fire Department Fund (Org 30070020; Object: 557500) for this purchase.
Section 2-438 of the City of Joliet Code of Ordinances states that purchases over $25,000.00 may be awarded without written specifications or bidding under certain circumstances. One of these circumstances applies:
1. (f) Purchases when authorized by a concurring vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Mayor and City Council
Based upon the above, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Council approve the purchase of the 2 Haul About enclosed trailers from Mo...
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