TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Allison Swisher, Director of Public Utilities
Award of Contract for the Fairmont Water and Sewer Extension Project to Steve Spiess Construction Inc. in the Amount of $2,055,015.08 and Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement for the Engineering Design Services for Fairmont Water and Sewer Extension Project to V3 Companies in the Amount of $150,000.00
Will County was awarded grant funds under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) that are to be utilized for populations, industries, sectors, and specific agencies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. These grant funds have been made available on a reimbursement basis for various infrastructure projects within the County. ARPA funds in the amount of $2,055,000 were set aside for the Fairmont Water and Sewer Extension Project. The City of Joliet, as owner of the Fairmont Water and Sewer System, will be the subrecipient of these funds and will design, construct, and own the improvements.
The sanitary sewer scope of work for this project includes extending a sanitary sewer along State Street from Bruce Road south to South Avenue and extending a sanitary sewer along Godfrey Avenue east to Brassel Street, and then south along Brassel Street to North Avenue. The water main scope of work for this project includes extending a water main along State Street from Bruce Road to South Avenue, installing a new water main along Brassel Street to connect the water main on Bruce Road to the water main at North Avenue, and extending a watermain along Godfrey Avenue from the dead end to the proposed watermain along Brassel Street.
Design drawings and bidding documents were prepared for the Fairmont Water and Sewer Extension Project and the invitation to bid was advertised in the Herald News on Thursday, January 16, 2025.
The Public Service Committee will review this matter.
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., six (6) sealed ...
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