TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Beth Beatty, City Manager
Resolution Declaring Certain City of Joliet Property as Surplus
The City of Joliet’s Purchasing Ordinance #7345, Section 2-435, provides in part that; “when the City Council determined that any personal property with a remaining value is no longer necessary or useful to the City of Joliet,” the property shall be declared surplus property by Resolution. This item will be reviewed at the Public Safety Committee Meeting September 3, 2024, and recommended to the full Council for approval.
There are currently 3 Ambulances that have been taken out of service and declared surplus by the Joliet Fire Department and Fleet Services. At this time, it is recommended that the 3 units be repurposed to 2 local Municipalities with a need for such and be sold for the cost of $1.00 each. This will transfer ownership and responsibility to another governmental agency in accordance with the ordinance.
The units and municipalities are:
• Robbins, IL.:
o Unit #572 (A-64) - VIN 1HTSLAAM92H392572
• Ford Heights, IL.:
o Unit #573 (A-62) - VIN 1HTSLAAM02H392573
o Unit #24 (A-63) - VIN 1HTSLAAM1VH459024
Based on the above it is recommended that the Mayor and City Council approve the attached Resolution declaring property therein as surplus property.