TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Beth Beatty, City Manager
Award of Contract for the 652 Collins Street Alley Drainage Improvements Project to Construction by CAMCO, Inc. in the Amount of $57,509.00
A section of the alley located mid-block north of Columbia Street, south of Elwood Avenue, and east of Collins Street exhibits poor drainage during heavy rain events due to deteriorated pavement condition and poor grading. These conditions present a risk for flooding of adjacent businesses and parking areas.
The Public Service Committee will review this matter.
On Wednesday, December 4th, 2024, at 10:00 A.M., five (5) sealed quotes were received for the 652 Collins Street Alley Drainage Improvements Project. The quote summary is as follows:
The low bid from Construction by CAMCO, Inc. in the amount of $57,509.00 is 7.62% below the Engineer’s Estimate.
Section 2-438 of the City of Joliet Code of Ordinances states that purchases over twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be awarded without written specifications or bidding under certain circumstances. One (1) of these circumstances apply:
(f) Purchases when authorized by a concurring vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Mayor and City Council
Sufficient funds exist utilizing the Public Works Engineering / Contractual Services (Org 09027000, Object 524200, $57,509.00).
Based on the above, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Council award the contract for the 652 Collins Street Alley Drainage Improvements Project, in the amount of $57,509.00, on behalf of Construction by CAMCO, Inc.