TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Beth Beatty, City Manager
Final Balancing Change Order No. 1 for the Bridal Wreath Acres Water Main Improvements Project on Behalf of Austin Tyler Construction, Inc. for a Decreased Amount of ($280,935.26)
On January 16, 2024, the Mayor and City Council awarded a Contract for the Bridal Wreath Acres Water Main Improvements Project, in the amount of $5,076,552.36, on behalf of Austin Tyler Construction, Inc., based on the Unit Prices provided in their bid. No previous change orders have been approved.
The Public Service Committee will review this matter.
Change Order No. 1 is a final balancing change order with a net decrease in the amount of ($280,935.26) and is based on the final quantities of pay items installed upon completion of the project. Unused items include items for water main installation, water service work, hydrant extensions, line stops, water service connections, asphalt pavement work items, and restoration items. Additional quantities for installation of water main 6-inch, water service line directional drilling 1.5-inch, removal and replacement of drain tiles, restoration of lawns and parkways, PCC sidewalk removal and replacement, detectable warnings, pavement marking thermoplastic, and sanitary manhole HMA patch (sanitary rehab) items are included within Change Order No.1. Additional requests for changes due to unmarked water services, replacement of storm sewer, and 4" water service connection are also included within this final balancing Change Order No. 1. The quantities and pricing have been verified to be accurate and per the terms of the contract.
Funds will be credited for this project to the Water Main Replacement Fund (Org 53880000, Object 557200, ($291,135.26)). Sufficient funds are available for this project in the Water & Sewer Improvement Fund / Sanitary Sewer (Org 50180020, Object 557200, $10,200.00).
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