TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Allison Swisher, Director of Public Utilities
Award of Professional Services Agreement for Water Treatment Residual Rule Compliance Assistance to Duffield Consulting Engineers LTD in the Amount of $63,874.00
The City of Joliet operates 11 drinking water treatment plants to remove naturally occurring radium. The radium which is removed must be properly handled and disposed of. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) oversees proper handling and disposal of these residuals and recently implemented new rules. The City relies on consultants to assist the Plant Operations staff with IEMA compliance. For the past ten (10) years the City has used Duffield Consulting Engineers LTD to help with these tasks. The Public Service Committee will review this matter.
Duffield Consulting Engineers LTD provided a proposal in the amount of $63,874.00 to complete the tasks required by the new IEMA rule.
Section 2-438 of the City of Joliet Code of Ordinances states that purchases whose estimated cost is in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be awarded without written specifications or bidding under certain circumstances. Two (2) of these circumstances apply:
(f) Purchases when authorized by a concurring vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Mayor and City Council;
(g) Purchases of professional services.
Funds will be charged to the Water & Sewer Operations Fund / Water Supply / Professional Services (Org 50080011, Object 523300, $43,874.00) and the Water & Sewer Operations Fund / Plant Ops Administration / Professional Services (Org 50080310, Object 523300, $20,000.00).
Based on the above, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Council approve the Professional Services Agreement for Water Treatment Residual Rule Compliance Assistance, in an amount not to exceed $63,874.00, on behalf of Duffield Consulting Engineers LTD.