TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Beth Beatty, City Manager
Award of Contract for the Elgin Avenue Road Repair Project to Austin Tyler Construction Inc. in the amount of $48,367.00
A retaining wall located adjacent to the southern curb line of Elgin Avenue (East of North High Street) has failed causing the adjacent road to begin to sink and deteriorate, creating a potentially hazardous roadway condition.
This project consists of removing the retaining wall and damaged curb and gutter, installing a flared end section at the base of a manhole, adjusting the manhole to grade and placing backfill around the structure to stabilize the road. Roadway pavement removal & replacement and site grading for proper drainage are also included.
The Public Service Committee will review this matter.
On Friday, November 15, 2024, at 4:00 P.M., four (4) quotes were electronically received for the Elgin Avenue Road Repair Project. The quote summary is as follows:
The low bid from Austin Tyler Construction Inc. in the amount of $48,367.00 is 35.84% below the Engineer’s Estimate.
Section 2-438 of the City of Joliet Code of Ordinance states that purchases whose estimated cost is in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be awarded without written specifications or bidding under certain circumstances. One (1) of these circumstances apply:
(f) Purchases when authorized by a concurring vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Mayor and City Council
Sufficient funds exist utilizing the Public Works Engineering / Construction Capital Improvement Fund (Org 30090270, Object 557500, $48.367.00).
Based on the above, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Council award the contract for the Elgin Avenue Road Repair Project, in the amount of $48,367.00, on behalf of Austin Tyler Construction Inc.