TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Beth Beatty, City Manager
Purchase of Replacement Diffuser Membranes for the Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant from LAI & Associates Inc. in the amount of $52,128.00
The Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant utilizes nine-inch diameter disc membranes to add dissolved oxygen to the twenty-four aeration tanks. Originally installed in 2011, the existing membranes have reached the end of their useful life. The membranes must be replaced to ensure proper and efficient operation of the tanks. The Public Service Committee will review this matter.
The authorized Sanitaire dealer, LAI & Associates Inc., was contacted to prepare a quote for 7200 replacement membranes. A quote was submitted, in the amount of $52,128.00, for the replacement membranes. The parts are in stock, and replacement will be completed by City staff.
Section 2-438 of the City of Joliet Code of Ordinances states that purchases over twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be awarded without written specifications under certain circumstances. Three (3) of these circumstances apply:
(a) Purchases which may only be practicably made from a single source;
(b) Purchases of equipment which, by reason of training of city personnel or an inventory of replacement parts maintained by the city, are compatible with the existing equipment owned by the city;
(c) Purchases when authorized by a concurring vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Mayor and City Council;
Sufficient funds exist utilizing the Water & Sewer Improvement Fund / Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant (Org 50180802, Object 557200, $52,128.00).
Based on the above, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Council approve the purchase of replacement diffuser membranes for the aeration tanks at the Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant, in the amount of $52,128.00, on behalf of LAI & Associates Inc.