TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Greg Ruddy, Director of Public Works
Change Order No. 1 for the 2023 Roadway Resurfacing Contract A - MFT Section No. 23-00559-00-RS to PT Ferro Construction Co. in the Amount of $28,820.43 and Payment Estimate No. 3 and Final in the Amount of $94,826.25
On Tuesday, August 8, 2023, the Mayor and City Council awarded the 2023 Roadway Resurfacing Contract A - MFT Section No. 23-00559-00-RS, in the amount of $199,885.58 to PT Ferro Construction Co.
The Public Service Committee will review this matter.
This project has been completed, inspected, and accepted by the Department of Public Works.
Change Order No. 1, a net addition in the amount of $28,820.43, is the result of the following:
1) Alley approaches were not included in the original project but were added to provide a better finished product.
Funds will be charged to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund (Org 20090270, Object 557200, $28,820.43).
Also, please process Payment Estimate No. 3 and Final, in the amount of $94,826.25, to PT Ferro Construction Co.
Based on the above, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Council take the following actions:
1) Approve Change Order No. 1, a net addition in the amount of $28,820.43, to the contract for the 2023 Roadway Resurfacing Contract A - MFT Section No. 23-00559-00-RS
2) Approve Payment Estimate No. 3 & Final, in the amount of $94,826.25 to PT Ferro Construction Co.