TO: Public Safety Committee
FROM: Christopher Botzum, Deputy Chief of Police
Award of Professional Services Agreement for the Records Department Glass Window Upgrade at the Joliet Police Station to Clear-Armor in the Amount of $72,922.50
The Police Station Records Department has several service windows open to the public that need upgrading to be brought up to current safety standards.
Upgrading the records department glass on the service windows will allow for proper safety measure to be in place for the staff when dealing with the public.
Three proposals were sought for this project, two proposals were returned, and pricing is as follows.
Vendor Total Price
Clear-Armor $ 72,922.50
Valley Security Company $ 116,250.00
There are currently funds available from (Org Code: 30060020, Object Code: 557500)
In accordance with section 2-438 of the City of Joliet Code of Ordinances which states that purchases over $25,000.00 may be awarded without written specifications or bidding under certain circumstances. Two of these circumstances apply:
1. (f) Purchases when authorized by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all members of the city council holding office.
2. g) Purchases of professional services.
Based on the above, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Council Authorize the Professional Services Agreement for the Records Department Glass Window Upgrade at the Joliet Police Station to Clear-Armor in the Amount of $72,922.50.