TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Allison Swisher, Director of Public Utilities
Award of Contract for the Glenwood Manor Water Main Improvements Project to Len Cox & Sons Excavating in the Amount of $5,385,957.66
On January 5, 2021, the Mayor and City Council approved Resolution No. 7613, committing to water conservation through the reduction of non-revenue water in order to comply with the allocation requirements of the Level of Lake Michigan Act, 615 ILCS 50, and the corresponding State regulations. A condition of the City's Lake Michigan water allocation permit is completion of the City's Non-Revenue Water Reduction Plan. A major component of this Plan is water main replacement. The water main replacement, estimated at approximately 3% per year, must be sufficient to achieve the reduction of non-revenue water from the City's water system to not more than 10 percent by the year 2030.
The 2025 Water Main Replacement Program consists of 16 contracts to replace a total of approximately 29 miles of water main, at a cost of approximately $74,500,000.00. As part of this water main replacement plan, the Glenwood Manor Water Main Improvements Project was identified to be completed in 2025. This project consists of replacing approximately 15,900 linear feet of water main in various sizes on Apollo Dr. (Black Rd. to W. Douglas St.); Prestige St. and Homestead Pl. (Black Rd. to south end); Gael Dr. (Ingalls Ave. to Black Rd.); Tana Ln. (Black Rd. to Glenwood Ave.); Black Rd. (Apollo Dr. to Springfield Ave.); Mason Ave. (Apollo Dr. to Homestead Pl.); W. Douglas St. (Apollo Dr. to Terry Dr.). Also included in this project is installation of sanitary sewer along Ingalls Ave. which will transfer flow from Joliet customers currently being conveyed to Crest Hill for treatment to the Joliet collection and treatment system. Attached to this memo is an exhibit showing the project location.
Design drawings and bidding documents were pre...
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