TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Allison Swisher, Director of Public Utilities
Resolution Authorizing Approval and Execution of an Additional License Agreement with the Forest Preserve District of Will County (Hammel Woods Preserve) for the Alternative Water Source Program
The City of Joliet is working with five other communities on the Alternative Water Source Program to design and construct a pipeline to provide Lake Michigan water to the region. In order to facilitate the design of a portion of the new pipeline, it is necessary to obtain soil borings and install a groundwater monitoring well in the Hammel Woods Preserve owned by the Forest Preserve District of Will County (District). The Public Service Committee will review this matter.
The City and the District previously entered into two agreements for soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells for the Alternative Water Source Program: an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Installation of Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the Isle A La Cache Preserve and a License Agreement for the Installation of Groundwater Monitoring Wells at Isle A La Cache Preserve. It has been determined it is necessary to perform two soil borings and install a groundwater monitoring well at the Hammel Woods Preserve. An additional License Agreement to authorize the groundwater monitoring well has been prepared, which has substantially the same terms as the Isle A La Cache Preserve License Agreement. A license fee of $3,552.37 is required. The City will apply for a special use permit from the District for the soil borings.
Funds will be charged to the Alternative Water Source Program Fund / Regional Water Commission (Org 53180000, Object 552700, $3,552.37).
Based on the above, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Council take the following actions:
1. Approve the Additional License Agreement for installation of a groundwater monitoring well at the Hammel Woods Preserve in a form substantially similar to Exhibit A attached to and incorporated in the Resolution.
2. Authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute and seal the Additional License Agreement.
3. Authorize the City Manager or her designee to take such actions as may be necessary for the City to comply with the terms of the Additional License Agreement including payment of the required license fee.